About Us
"Brand Name Quality Candy Since 1861"
If you grew up in Milwaukee in the 1950's or 1960's, you remember the nickel Ziegler Giant Bar, a classic chocolate bar with peanuts, made by the local George Ziegler Company, which became a Halloween tradition for school children.
While the candy bar first appeared in 1911, it wasn't until after World War II that every school child in Milwaukee got one. That's when the company began donating enough Ziegler Giant Bars to metropolitan Milwaukee schools each Halloween so every child could have two.
On January 11, 1861, George Ziegler and his brothers-in-law formed the firm that became the George Ziegler Company, and began making a general line of American and French confections. Over the years to come, they invented, perfected and automated many processes and methods of candy making, packaging and marketing. In the early 1900's, they were the first to offer a chocolate bar combining number one peanuts with milk chocolate, in block form. It was called "Milk Chocolate Peanut Block." In 1911, they were the first in the country to market a wrapped candy bar, with a distinctive name of its own, the 5 cent Ziegler Giant Bar. The rest is history.

Candy makers of 1874 with founder,
George Ziegler
(seated left, at table).
The George Ziegler Company closed in 1972, but the Ziegler Giant Bars are still poured in patented molds and sold by Ziegler's HALF NUTS in West Allis, Wisconsin, owned by the 5th generation of Ziegler Candy folks, Bill and Mary Ziegler.
Did you know that the Ziegler Candy Company was the first confectioner to make Candy Raisins?
They later sold the recipe to Stark Candy, in Pewaukee, WI.
Bill and Mary became part of the candy legacy back in 1990, when they opened their retail store in West Allis. While reintroducing the Ziegler Giant Bar was the first order of business, they decided to make HALF NUTS more fun by bringing back many childhood candy favorites. Remember Necco wafers, Indian pumpkin seeds and candy cigarettes? Wax lips, Chuckles and BB Bats? You guessed it... that candy you ate as a kid has become the "old-fashioned" candy of today. Haven't been in a penny candy store since your childhood? HALF NUTS is a candy store for kids of all ages, a place to reminisce about your favorite nostalgic candy, and to pass on the traditions to your children.
Come see the other half of HALF NUTS, and enjoy the fun!
The Ziegler Giant Bar, back by popular demand and just as you remember it, is now available for 1.99 each! Click here to order one today!