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Sold Out

Candy Raisins®


per lb

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Candy Raisins are no longer being made. They are discontinued as of 11/30/2024.


This classic chewy Ju Ju candy has the wrinkled top of a real raisin, but not the flavor. Candy raisins are a nostalgic candy originally found only in Wisconsin, with a flavor that is as unique as the candy lovers themselves!  Floral notes, honey, ginger, and perfume have all been suggested...see what flavor you come up with!

Candy raisins are made in Mexico at this time.   They are distributed by Lake Country Candies in Delafield, WI... which owns the original Stark Candy/NECCO recipe...and is the original recipe that is used still today. Today's candy raisins are not as soft as the original, however.  They do have the same yummy taste as the original.

Half Nuts does NOT manufacture candy raisins.




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